Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what's hanging around! The walk meets at the cul de sac of Veterans Memorial Drive about .5 miles east of Maynard SW. It is a 3-4 mile flat walk through a variety of habitats. The walk begins at 8 a.m. May through September and 9:00 a.m. October through April. We do not have a set time limit and walks may last from 2-4 hours depending on what birds are seen as well as the weather. The walk occurs under most weather conditions year round except for major holidays that fall on Thursdays. There are options for shorter routes if you prefer.

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Winter Climate Watch Survey
to Feb 15

Winter Climate Watch Survey

Become a Citizen Scientist and take part in National Audubon’s Climate Watch Survey

Understanding how birds are responding to climate change is essential to protecting them.

We need your help to do just that by counting and documenting how their ranges are shifting. Audubon’s Climate Watch program contributes to scientific analysis by providing vital data on how birds are faring with climate change. The more information we have on birds across the country, the better prepared we will be to advocate for necessary responses to the risks birds are facing.

Save the dates of the winter survey period taking place between January 15 – February 15, 2024 and help us count bluebirds, nuthatches or goldfinches.

Your participation helps to provide experts with important information about species numbers, distribution and habits. It is a fun way to become involved in protecting the environment and helping bird populations.

To learn more about how you can participate locally, please visit the Climate Watch page on our website.

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what's hanging around! The walk meets at the cul de sac of Veterans Memorial Drive about .5 miles east of Maynard SW. It is a 3-4 mile flat walk through a variety of habitats. The walk begins at 8 a.m. May through September and 9:00 a.m. October through April. We do not have a set time limit and walks may last from 2-4 hours depending on what birds are seen as well as the weather. The walk occurs under most weather conditions year round except for major holidays that fall on Thursdays. There are options for shorter routes if you prefer.

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Winter Field Birding

Winter Field Birding

  • Meet at the Boy Scout Headquarters in Walker (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Led By: Steve Minard

This is planned a winter trip to search for winter birds such as Snowy Owl, Northern Shrike, and Snow Bunting.  These can be quite nomadic and hard to find, so we’ll try to cover lots of territory to look for them.  We’ll search fields in northern Ottawa County and Muskegon County northwest of Grand Rapids.  We’ll probably check some of the Crockery Creek bottom lands looking for Red-shouldered Hawk.  If conditions permit, we'll try to include the Muskegon Wastewater in our search.  Expect to spend most of the time in the car searching the fields for anything different.  Birders of all skills are welcome.

Essentials: Meet at the Boy Scout Headquarters west off Walker Road just north of I-96 at 8:00 AM.  We plan to bird until noon, you may want to bring a snack to hold you over until lunch.

Safety Hazards: Cold weather and slippery winter driving are the main hazards.  As with winter trips in particular, bad weather may cancel the trip.  Driving in a caravan can be hazardous.  Get directions from the leader for travel to the next stop.  Please exercise caution on the roads at all times, and watch the car ahead of you when driving in a caravan.  Please have a passenger handle all radio or phone communications while in a car.

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Allegan State Game Area Winter Trip

Allegan State Game Area Winter Trip

Led By: Steve Minard

Explore the Allegan State Game Area, including the Swan Creek Highbanks and the Todd Farm Unit, for winter birds.  Bald Eagle and Rough-legged Hawk are likely to be near the flocks of Canada Goose at the Todd Farm Unit.  Wild Turkey, Northern Shrike, and Ross’ Goose have been found here in past winters.  With luck, winter finches will make an appearance.  Birders of all skills are welcome.

Essentials: Meet at the McDonald’s in Hudsonville, and car pool from there.  A spotting scope will come in handy on this trip.  A bit of food and a warm beverage will take care of any hunger pains.  We plan to bird until noon, lunch afterwards is an option.

Safety Hazards: Cold weather and slippery winter driving are the main hazards.  As with winter trips in particular, bad weather may cancel the trip.  Driving in a caravan can be hazardous.  Get directions from the leader for travel to the next stop.  Please exercise caution on the roads at all times, and watch the car ahead of you when driving in a caravan.  Please have a passenger handle all radio or phone communications while in a car.

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Bluebird Box Cleaning At The Muskegon Wastewater

Bluebird Box Cleaning At The Muskegon Wastewater

  • Muskegon County Resource Recovery Center (Maple Island Rd. Entrance) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Led By: Steve Minard and Ruth Fridsma

One way we can help our local nesting birds is by providing places for them to nest.  Jim Ponshair aided the birds for many years with a number of bluebird box trails at the Muskegon Wastewater.  This does add up to a large number of boxes to clean every year and we need a good size group to do the job.  The annual bluebird box cleaning is a great way to learn your way around the Muskegon Wastewater.  It’s also a good way to learn about bluebird boxes, how to clean them, and see how the type of box and habitat affects who uses the box.  Since we’re at the Wastewater, we usually see some good birds while we work.  You may even get to meet mice or Flying Squirrels up close and personal.  And you get to help the bluebirds, swallows, chickadees, wrens and other birds that use the boxes.  This year you can meet the group, or head directly to clean your group of boxes.  Send Steve an email at sdminard@gmail.com to get a group of boxes to clean.  If you want, we will meet at the Maple Island Road entrance to the Muskegon Wastewater System at 9:00 am.  Lunch is one your own this year.  Following lunch, some participants may bird the nearby Muskegon State Game Area to look for early migrants.  This can be an all day trip, or you can head out before or after lunch.  For all the carpenters and builders out there, we always need more bluebird boxes.  Boxes suffer damage over the years and new boxes are always needed.  Send Steve an email at sdminard@gmail.com if you have new boxes to donate.

Essentials: Meet at the Maple Island Road entrance to the Muskegon Wastewater System at 9:00 am.  This is a bit north of White Road.  If you have an area, you can head there directly.  Come dressed for the weather.  Bring some tools (screwdrivers, pliers, scrapper, hammer and nails) and gloves for cleaning out the bluebird houses.

Safety Hazards: Driving in a caravan can be hazardous.  Get directions from the leader for travel to the next stop.  Please exercise caution on the roads at all times, and watch the car ahead of you when driving in a caravan.  Please have a passenger handle all radio or phone communications while in a car.

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Spring Marsh Birds and Hawks

Spring Marsh Birds and Hawks

  • Meet at the Boy Scout Headquarters in Walker (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Led By: Steve Minard

Join us to look for marsh birds at Lane’s Landing in the Muskegon State Game Area.  Rails should be in the marsh by this date and Swamp Sparrows should be on territory.  After checking out the marsh, we’ll see how the winds blow and either head over to the Muskegon Wastewater to check out the waterfowl or head to Grand Haven to check out Harbor Island and hawk watch locations to look for migrating hawks.  At the Wastewater, Northern Shoveled and Ruddy Duck are likely; in Grand Haven, we could see Caspian Tern on Lake Michigan or rails in the Harbor Island marshes.  Birders of all skills are welcome.

Essentials: Meet at the Boy Scout Headquarters west off Walker Road just north of I-96 at 7:00 AM.  We plan to bird until noon, you may want to bring a snack to hold you over until lunch.

Safety Hazards: Driving in a caravan can be hazardous.  Get directions from the leader for travel to the next stop.  Please exercise caution on the roads at all times, and watch the car ahead of you when driving in a caravan.  Please have a passenger handle all radio or phone communications while in a car.

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Tuesday Evening At Reeds Lake

Tuesday Evening At Reeds Lake

Led By: Steve Minard

This trip is an evening walk to the Hodenpyl Woods area at the west end of Reeds Lake.  Varied woodland, marsh, and lake habitat provides a variety of birds right in town.  On this trip, we will concentrate on waterbirds, and early warblers.  The boardwalk provides good views of the lake and marsh areas so we will visit it.  Birders of all skills are welcome.

Essentials: Meet at the East Grand Rapids Utility Building parking lot on Reeds Lake Blvd north of Gaslight Village at 6:00 PM.  Waterproof footwear and insect repellent may be useful.  Poison Ivy is thick in places.

Safety Hazards: Drive safely to meet the group. Watch for traffic when crossing the road and bicycles on the pathway.

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Tuesday Evening At Reeds Lake

Tuesday Evening At Reeds Lake

Led By: Steve Minard

This trip is an evening walk to the Hodenpyl Woods area at the west end of Reeds Lake. Varied woodland, marsh, and lake habitat provides a variety of birds right in town. We hope to find some warblers ducks, and with luck terns on the lake. Birders of all skills are welcome.

Essentials: Meet at the East Grand Rapids Utility Building parking lot on Reeds Lake Blvd north of Gaslight Village at 6:00 PM. Waterproof footwear and insect repellent may be useful. Poison Ivy is thick in places.

Safety Hazards: Drive safely to meet the group. Watch for traffic when crossing the road and bicycles on the pathway.

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Tuesday Evening at Roselle Park

Tuesday Evening at Roselle Park

Led By: Steve Minard

Roselle Park is a good birding area right here in Kent County. It’s on the Grand River, and has wetlands, wooded edges, and open areas. At this date, warblers should still be moving and many of the sparrows and woodland birds should be present. We will plan to stick to the paved trails and avoid the water if there is flooding.

Essentials: Meet at the Roselle Park parking lot by the visitor center. It’s entrance is across from Michigan Ave and north of the south parking lot entrance. This is west of Ada and south of Knapp along Grand River Dr.

Safety Hazards: Drive safely to meet the group. Watch for traffic on the pathway.

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Tuesday Evening at Roselle Park

Tuesday Evening at Roselle Park

Led By: Steve Minard

Roselle Park is a good birding area right here in Kent County. It’s on the Grand River, and has wetlands, wooded edges, and open areas. At this date, warblers should still be moving and many of the sparrows and woodland birds should be present. We will plan to stick to the paved trails and avoid the water if there is flooding.

Essentials: Meet at the Roselle Park parking lot by the visitor center. It’s entrance is across from Michigan Ave and north of the south parking lot entrance. This is west of Ada and south of Knapp along Grand River Dr.

Safety Hazards: Drive safely to meet the group. Watch for traffic on the pathway.

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Lowell Grand River Riverfront Park

Lowell Grand River Riverfront Park

Led By: Steve Minard

Roselle Park is a good birding area right here in Kent County. It’s on the Grand River, and has wetlands, wooded edges, and open areas. At this date, warblers should still be moving and many of the sparrows and woodland birds should be present. We will plan to stick to the paved trails and avoid the water if there is flooding.

Essentials: Meet at the Roselle Park parking lot by the visitor center. It’s entrance is across from Michigan Ave and north of the south parking lot entrance. This is west of Ada and south of Knapp along Grand River Dr.

Safety Hazards: Drive safely to meet the group. Watch for traffic on the pathway.

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Summer Marsh Field Trip

Summer Marsh Field Trip

  • Meet at the Boy Scouts Headquarters in Walker (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Led By: Steve Minard

This is planned as a summer trip to the marsh at Lane’s Landing in the Muskegon State Game Area. Nesting birds have settled in and many of them should be attending to their young. It is one of the better times of year to see Least Bitterns in flight. They are present in this marsh and if you are watching carefully, and you are lucky, you may see one make a brief flight from on spot to another in the marsh. Rails, ducks and cranes are also possible. Depending on time, we may visit other nearby birding areas.

Essentials: Meet at the Boy Scout Headquarters west off Walker Road just north of I-96 at 8:00 AM. We plan to bird until noon, you may want to bring a snack to hold you over until lunch.

Safety Hazards: Driving in a caravan can be hazardous. Get directions from the leader for travel to the next stop. Please exercise caution on the roads at all times, and watch the car ahead of you when driving in a caravan. Please have a passenger handle all radio or phone communications while in a car.

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Muskegon Wastewater Fall Shorebirds

Muskegon Wastewater Fall Shorebirds

  • Maple Island Rd. Entrance to Muskegon County Resource Recovery Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Led By: Steve Minard

Join Steve for an August shorebird trip. The Wastewater is one of the better spots in the area for finding shorebirds. Shorebirds such as Semipalmated Plover, Sanderling, Least Sandpiper, Semipalmated Sandpiper, and Lesser Yellowlegs are likely. Black-bellied Plover, American Golden-Plover, Ruddy Turnstone, Baird’s Sandpiper, and Buff-breasted Sandpiper are possible. Ducks and field birds are also likely to be seen. This year the plan is to meat at the Muskegon Wastewater and spend the morning looking for shorebirds.

Essentials: Meet at the main entrance to the Muskegon Wastewater, now signed as the Muskegon County Resource Recovery Center on the east side of Maple Island Rd. at 9:00 AM. This is where we meet for bluebird box cleaning in March. Bring your binoculars. A spotting scope, a drink and snacks will be helpful. This trip is planned for the morning.

Safety Hazards: Driving in a caravan can be hazardous. Get directions from the leaders for travel to the next stop. Please exercise caution on the roads at all times, and watch the car ahead of you when driving in a caravan. Please have a passenger handle all radio or phone communications while in a car.

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what's hanging around! The walk meets at the cul de sac of Veterans Memorial Drive about .5 miles east of Maynard SW. It is a 3-4 mile flat walk through a variety of habitats. The walk begins at 8 a.m. May through September and 9:00 a.m. October through April. We do not have a set time limit and walks may last from 2-4 hours depending on what birds are seen as well as the weather. The walk occurs under most weather conditions year round except for major holidays that fall on Thursdays. There are options for shorter routes if you prefer.

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New Years Day in Kent County

New Years Day in Kent County

Led By: Steve Minard

Get your bird list for 2025 started in Kent County.  We'll try to track down some of the birds seen on the Christmas Count, and just look for whatever sounds good.  We will start at 6:00 am to look for owls in the Cannonsburg State Game Area and vicinity.  At dawn, we will shift to looking for winter passerines, waterfowl and hawks.  Birders of all skills are welcome to join us and start their bird list for 2025.  

Essentials: Meet at the Ada McDonald’s on M21 at the Citgo Gas Station by 6:00 AM.  This is across M21 from Amway and near the Post Office.  We plan to be back at McDonald's at 8:00 am for a break and in case anyone wants to join us.  We plan to finish around 11:30 AM.  Dress for cold weather and bring a snack or warm beverage to keep you fueled up.

Safety Hazards: Cold weather and slippery winter driving are the main hazards.  As with winter trips in particular, bad weather may cancel the trip.  Driving in a caravan can be hazardous.  Get directions from the leader for travel to the next stop.  Please exercise caution on the roads at all times, and watch the car ahead of you when driving in a caravan.  Please have a passenger handle all radio or phone communications while in a car.

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2024 Chirstmas Bird Count

2024 Chirstmas Bird Count

Help the Grand Rapids Audubon Club Survey Early-Winter Birds in West Michigan!

This is our club’s 64th year of the Annual Christmas Bird Count, and we look forward to having you help us survey our local birds.

To learn more about the Christmas Bird Count, where our survey region is, and what to expect from your participation in community science, visit the Christmas Bird Count page on our website.

To register to participate in our count, email our Count Compiler, Tom Leggett today!

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what's hanging around! The walk meets at the cul de sac of Veterans Memorial Drive about .5 miles east of Maynard SW. It is a 3-4 mile flat walk through a variety of habitats. The walk begins at 8 a.m. May through September and 9:00 a.m. October through April. We do not have a set time limit and walks may last from 2-4 hours depending on what birds are seen as well as the weather. The walk occurs under most weather conditions year round except for major holidays that fall on Thursdays. There are options for shorter routes if you prefer.

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what's hanging around! The walk meets at the cul de sac of Veterans Memorial Drive about .5 miles east of Maynard SW. It is a 3-4 mile flat walk through a variety of habitats. The walk begins at 8 a.m. May through September and 9:00 a.m. October through April. We do not have a set time limit and walks may last from 2-4 hours depending on what birds are seen as well as the weather. The walk occurs under most weather conditions year round except for major holidays that fall on Thursdays. There are options for shorter routes if you prefer.

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what's hanging around! The walk meets at the cul de sac of Veterans Memorial Drive about .5 miles east of Maynard SW. It is a 3-4 mile flat walk through a variety of habitats. The walk begins at 8 a.m. May through September and 9:00 a.m. October through April. We do not have a set time limit and walks may last from 2-4 hours depending on what birds are seen as well as the weather. The walk occurs under most weather conditions year round except for major holidays that fall on Thursdays. There are options for shorter routes if you prefer.

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November Membership Meeting

November Membership Meeting

Speaker: Clay Bowers

Foraging and Wild Edibles in Michigan

Join us on Monday evening for a night of discussion, socializing, and sharing our love of Michigan nature. Doors open at 7, come meet fellow members, browse the library, and connect with others about birding. Program by Clay Bowers begins at 7:30.

Clay Bowers explores how foraging and wild food tending can deepen our connection to the natural world. Bowers will discuss the importance of sustainable harvesting practices, showing how we can gather wild foods while respecting the land. His talk aims to make foraging accessible to everyone, whether they are survival enthusiasts or nature lovers who want to better understand their surroundings. Participants will learn how to locate and sustainably harvest the abundant, healthy, and organic foods growing around them in Northern Michigan. Through this experience, Bowers encourages us to move beyond seeing the forest as a place to visit; instead, we are invited to participate as active members of this thriving ecosystem.

Clay Bowers is a passionate forager and self-described "plant nerd" from Northern Michigan. With a lifelong fascination with plants and fungi, Bowers has spent the last decade honing his skills and knowledge of the natural world. For him, foraging is akin to navigating a complex city; each journey into the woods reveals new insights and connections between plants, fungi, and their habitats. What started as a survival skill has evolved into a way of life, inspiring Bowers to view himself as part of nature rather than a mere visitor. His humor, deep knowledge, and personal stories make his presentations engaging and enlightening for anyone interested in the art and science of wildcrafting.

This program is open to the general public who may attend as guests of the Grand Rapids Audubon Club.

Event held in the Donnelly Center, located at 157 Woodward Lane SE between Fulton Street and Robinson Road. Parking is available in Lots "S" and "T" off Woodward Ln. The center entrance is on the north side of the building.

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Bird Trivia at Speciation Cellars

Bird Trivia at Speciation Cellars

  • 928 Wealthy Street Southeast Grand Rapids, MI, 49506 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Led By:  Spencer High and Alex Field


Join us as we host another evening of Bird Trivia at Speciation Cellars. This time, we will be testing your knowledge on Bird Migration, Winter Bird Residents and a bunch of other topics ranging from Bird Song Identification to Celebrity Birds. More details to come as the event gets closer.

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what's hanging around! The walk meets at the cul de sac of Veterans Memorial Drive about .5 miles east of Maynard SW. It is a 3-4 mile flat walk through a variety of habitats. The walk begins at 8 a.m. May through September and 9:00 a.m. October through April. We do not have a set time limit and walks may last from 2-4 hours depending on what birds are seen as well as the weather. The walk occurs under most weather conditions year round except for major holidays that fall on Thursdays. There are options for shorter routes if you prefer.

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what's hanging around! The walk meets at the cul de sac of Veterans Memorial Drive about .5 miles east of Maynard SW. It is a 3-4 mile flat walk through a variety of habitats. The walk begins at 8 a.m. May through September and 9:00 a.m. October through April. We do not have a set time limit and walks may last from 2-4 hours depending on what birds are seen as well as the weather. The walk occurs under most weather conditions year round except for major holidays that fall on Thursdays. There are options for shorter routes if you prefer.

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Birds & Brews

Birds & Brews

Hosted By: Audubon Great Lakes and Grand Rapids Audubon Club

In order to address an issue as big as climate change, we need to work together. Join Audubon Great Lakes and Grand Rapids Audubon Club for the 2024 Grand Rapids Birds and Brews, a free happy-hour style event where you’ll learn about opportunities to do just that — work together to address climate change and the biggest threats facing Michigan birds.

Join bird and nature lovers from across Grand Rapids for this birdy event, where you’ll hear from policy experts on the solutions to protect birds and our communities and how you can help advance them — all while enjoying a complimentary drink on us!

Space is limited. RSVP at mobilize.us/audubon-great-lakes/event/700530/ today to save your spot.

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Lake Shore Migrants

Lake Shore Migrants

Led By: Steve Minard

We will plan to look for the best reported late shorebirds, winter ducks, winter gulls, or winter finches along the lake shore.  Winter ducks should be in the area, and the other late migrants should still be moving south.  This time of year presents an opportunity for birds that can difficult to find in our area, so we'll check the bird alerts and go with the best prospects.  We are likely to start on the lake shore with Holland State Park, Oval Beach or Douglas Beach as possible targets.  From Lake Michigan, we're likely to work inland with stops possible along Lake Macatawa, the Kalamazoo River, or the Todd Farm Unit of the Allegan State Game Area.  If we are lucky, a mega rarity will be chase able and we may travel further afield.  This is planned as a morning trip, but we could extend it with a lunch stop. 

Essentials: Meet at the McDonald’s in Hudsonville.  We can leave any extra cars in the car pool lot just north of the I196 freeway.  Be ready to head out at 7:30 AM.  You may want a drink or snack to keep you going until lunch.  Come prepared for cold weather.  A spotting scope could come in handy on this trip.

Safety Hazards: Cold weather and slippery winter driving are the main hazards.  As with winter trips in particular, bad weather may cancel the trip.  Driving in a caravan can be hazardous.  Get directions from the leader for travel to the next stop.  Please exercise caution on the roads at all times, and watch the car ahead of you when driving in a caravan.  Please have a passenger handle all radio or phone communications while in a car.

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what's hanging around! The walk meets at the cul de sac of Veterans Memorial Drive about .5 miles east of Maynard SW. It is a 3-4 mile flat walk through a variety of habitats. The walk begins at 8 a.m. May through September and 9:00 a.m. October through April. We do not have a set time limit and walks may last from 2-4 hours depending on what birds are seen as well as the weather. The walk occurs under most weather conditions year round except for major holidays that fall on Thursdays. There are options for shorter routes if you prefer.

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what's hanging around! The walk meets at the cul de sac of Veterans Memorial Drive about .5 miles east of Maynard SW. It is a 3-4 mile flat walk through a variety of habitats. The walk begins at 8 a.m. May through September and 9:00 a.m. October through April. We do not have a set time limit and walks may last from 2-4 hours depending on what birds are seen as well as the weather. The walk occurs under most weather conditions year round except for major holidays that fall on Thursdays. There are options for shorter routes if you prefer.

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October Membership Meeting

October Membership Meeting

Speaker: Nick Scobel

Life Underfoot: A Look Into Field Herping & Herp Photography

What species of reptile & amphibian call Michigan home and how does one go about finding them? Come along for an evening to explore the world of field herpetology; the pursuit of wild reptiles & amphibians, better known as “herping”. From habitats and techniques to photography and contributing to citizen science, discover the hidden world that hides right beneath your feet! Nick Scobel is a wildlife biologist, naturalist, and birder who lives just outside of Ann Arbor, Michigan. He spends much of his spare time traversing Michigan’s wetlands, woods, and prairies in search of our native reptiles & amphibians to document and photograph. He even finds time to fit in some birding during the winter months and during spring migration.

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Field Trip Exchange with Oakland Bird Alliance - Part 2

Field Trip Exchange with Oakland Bird Alliance - Part 2

  • Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The second outing in a 2-part field trip exchange with Oakland Bird Alliance will be taking place in Eastern Michigan and will visit several parks along the edge of Lake Erie. We’ll begin with an early stop at the Detroit River IWR and then we will work our way south to Lake Erie Metropark for some hawk watching and other wildlife and then we will make our way to Sterling State Park to complete our Lake Erie shoreline trip. We’ll begin by meeting at 9 AM at the Detroit River location and spend most of the day birding our way around these locations. Bring a lunch/snack since we may or may not take time for lunch.

NOTE: This description was written for the Oakland Bird Alliance newsletter, and they will be birding all day. Grand Rapids Audubon Club members may need to leave to return home before they have completed birding for the day. We are welcome to join them on their entire day of birding, but you may want to make hotel arrangements if you want to spend the entire day with them since it is a 2.5-3 hour trip back to Grand Rapids from their final birding location.

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what's hanging around! The walk meets at the cul de sac of Veterans Memorial Drive about .5 miles east of Maynard SW. It is a 3-4 mile flat walk through a variety of habitats. The walk begins at 8 a.m. May through September and 9:00 a.m. October through April. We do not have a set time limit and walks may last from 2-4 hours depending on what birds are seen as well as the weather. The walk occurs under most weather conditions year round except for major holidays that fall on Thursdays. There are options for shorter routes if you prefer.

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what's hanging around! The walk meets at the cul de sac of Veterans Memorial Drive about .5 miles east of Maynard SW. It is a 3-4 mile flat walk through a variety of habitats. The walk begins at 8 a.m. May through September and 9:00 a.m. October through April. We do not have a set time limit and walks may last from 2-4 hours depending on what birds are seen as well as the weather. The walk occurs under most weather conditions year round except for major holidays that fall on Thursdays. There are options for shorter routes if you prefer.

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Fall Migrants at Muskegon State Park

Fall Migrants at Muskegon State Park

  • Muskegon State Park South Beach Parking Lot (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Led By: Steve Minard

We’ll plan to check Lake Michigan to see what’s on the beach, hike the jack pines in the dunes and hike the trails from the Snug Harbor Picnic area. Many birds are possible on the beach, or it could be quiet. In the trees, late warblers, vireos and thrushes are all possible. In the past, owls have been found roosting in the pines, if we are really lucky, we could find one. If we run long, we’ll look for a place to stop for lunch. If the state park is quiet, we will consider a stop at the Muskegon Lake Conservation Area or the Muskegon Wastewater. Birders of all skills are welcome.

Essentials: Meet at the South Beach Parking Lot of Muskegon State Park at 8:30 AM. You may want a drink or snack to keep you going until lunch.

Safety Hazards: Driving in a caravan can be hazardous. Get directions from the trip leader for travel to the next stop. Please exercise caution on the roads at all times. Please have a passenger handle all radio or phone communications while in a car.

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what's hanging around! The walk meets at the cul de sac of Veterans Memorial Drive about .5 miles east of Maynard SW. It is a 3-4 mile flat walk through a variety of habitats. The walk begins at 8 a.m. May through September and 9:00 a.m. October through April. We do not have a set time limit and walks may last from 2-4 hours depending on what birds are seen as well as the weather. The walk occurs under most weather conditions year round except for major holidays that fall on Thursdays. There are options for shorter routes if you prefer.

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Field Trip Exchange with Oakland Bird Alliance - Part 1

Field Trip Exchange with Oakland Bird Alliance - Part 1

The first outing in a 2-part field trip exchange with Oakland Bird Alliance will be taking place in West Michigan and will begin at Lane’s Landing in Muskegon at 8:30am. We will look for Bitterns, secretive marsh birds, warblers and any other migratory birds that may still be hanging around the Muskegon River floodplain. Afterwards, we will make a quick pass through the south farm section of the MCRRC in search of any hawks or grassland species that have either newly arrived or are late in leaving the breeding grounds. Once we have seen everything that’s there we will head up to the main lagoons at the MCRRC and look for waterfowl and shorebird species.

Afterwards, we may meet up in Grand Rapids for a social lunch if time allows before the Oakland Bird Alliance members have to head back home. You may want to bring a snack, coffee or water to hold you over until we get back home. We will be driving to several different locations - and you may want to carpool with other club members who are attending. We can leave any additional vehicles at Lane’s Landing and carpool from there throughout the Muskegon County Resource Recovery Center as well.

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what's hanging around! The walk meets at the cul de sac of Veterans Memorial Drive about .5 miles east of Maynard SW. It is a 3-4 mile flat walk through a variety of habitats. The walk begins at 8 a.m. May through September and 9:00 a.m. October through April. We do not have a set time limit and walks may last from 2-4 hours depending on what birds are seen as well as the weather. The walk occurs under most weather conditions year round except for major holidays that fall on Thursdays. There are options for shorter routes if you prefer.

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September Membership Meeting

September Membership Meeting

Speaker: Dr. Alan Steinman

Addressing Groundwater Challenges in Michigan

Dr. Al Steinman is a research professor at Grand Valley State University’s Annis Water Resources Institute whose interests include aquatic ecosystem restoration, harmful algal blooms, phosphorus cycling, and water policy. In this presentation, Dr. Steinman will discuss groundwater’s role in the environment, risks to it’s quality, conservation efforts and how his research contributes to the protection of one of Michigan’s most treasured natural resources. Groundwater receives less attention, but it supplies up to 67% of the flow in tributaries flowing into the Great Lakes and provides cold, high quality flow for highly valued trout streams in the region.

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what’s hanging around. Flat 2.0 or 3.0 mile loops are planned to see whatever might show up. Many birds have been reported from this varied habitat near the river. There are ponds, swampy ponds, lowland forest and various secondary growth. This can lead to a good variety of birds. Please dress for the expected weather conditions.

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what’s hanging around. Flat 2.0 or 3.0 mile loops are planned to see whatever might show up. Many birds have been reported from this varied habitat near the river. There are ponds, swampy ponds, lowland forest and various secondary growth. This can lead to a good variety of birds. Please dress for the expected weather conditions.

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Birding at Anderson Woods Nature Preserve

Birding at Anderson Woods Nature Preserve

Join the Land Conservancy of West Michigan, Disability Network West Michigan, and the Grand Rapids Audubon Club for a birding event at Anderson Woods Nature Preserve. The Grand Rapids Audubon Club will lead us as we hike the accessible trail, learn the basics of birding, and put our skills to the test.

Located near the lakeshore, Anderson Woods provides important nesting and feeding habitat for migratory birds and supports resident birds that require large tracts of unbroken forest. To assist in the identification and tracking of any birds spotted on the trail, we recommend downloading the Merlin Bird ID app. We will have some binoculars available to borrow, but please bring your own if you have them!

We will cover 1 mile of trail during this event, the max grade of which is 2%. The trailhead parking lot is reserved for accessible parking, additional parking will be available alongside Simonelli Road.

This event will happen outside. In the case of severe or dangerous weather, the event may be postponed or cancelled. Registrants will be notified of any changes via email.

Space is limited, so please register at naturenearby.org/events/monthly-outing-091224 to attend!

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what’s hanging around. Flat 2.0 or 3.0 mile loops are planned to see whatever might show up. Many birds have been reported from this varied habitat near the river. There are ponds, swampy ponds, lowland forest and various secondary growth. This can lead to a good variety of birds. Please dress for the expected weather conditions.

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Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

Weekly Hike at Millennium Park

  • Meet at the end of the dead-end section of Veterans Memorial Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hike Millennium Park to see what’s hanging around. Flat 2.0 or 3.0 mile loops are planned to see whatever might show up. Many birds have been reported from this varied habitat near the river. There are ponds, swampy ponds, lowland forest and various secondary growth. This can lead to a good variety of birds. Please dress for the expected weather conditions.

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