Join us for the Grand Rapids Audubon Club’s Birdy Book Club, hosted at Books & Mortar, a locally owned, independent book store. On May 12, we’ll discuss “Ten Birds That Changed the World” by Stephen Moss.
About the book:
An exploration of the deep and complex relationship between birds and human beings. Moss, a British nature writer, broadcaster, and environmentalist who has written more than 40 books and field guides, is an ideal guide to this in-depth look at 10 consequential species and the threats to their continued survival. Spoiler alert: The world-changing birds are the raven, pigeon, wild turkey, dodo, Darwin's finch, guanay cormorant, snowy egret, bald eagle, tree sparrow and emperor penguin.
About the club:
-Buy or borrow the book and complete the reading before the meeting. Get 10% off the price of the book if you purchase at Books & Mortar (mention it's for the GRAC Birdy Book Club!)
-There's no cost to participate (apart from any books you opt to purchase). And you don't need to be a club member, or a birder, to join us for the discussion! We love meeting new people
-Book club meets 6 to 7 p.m. the second Monday of every other month, beginning in January 2024.
-Titles for the 2025 book club schedule (and past picks) are available on our website:
-This is a space for mutually respectful, curious and sometimes challenging conversations. Happy reading!