Our Mission
The Grand Rapids Audubon Club brings together people who enjoy nature, especially wild birds. We seek to protect and improve our natural environment and to advance nature education throughout West Michigan.
Key Areas of Focus
Nature Appreciation:
Field Trips - Our field trips allow members and the community to discover the variety of ecosystems throughout West Michigan. While mostly focused on birds, we explore all aspects of our natural world—mammals, insects, plants, etc.—and welcome a curious mindset for our adventures throughout the region. Field trips are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.
Monthly Meetings - Interesting and informative, each meeting features a program presented by a guest speaker on various topics related to the natural world and our relationship to it.
Environmental Education:
Club Ambassadors - We partner with local schools, libraries and community groups to provide education about birding, birds and nature conservation.
Memorial Scholarship - Named in honor of Harry F. Stiles, an individual who loved the outdoors. As Grand Rapids Audubon Club President from 1954 to 1955, he established a scholarship to be used for enrollment in environmental, biology, or science/nature programs, workshops, or courses. GRAC continues to award the scholarship in keeping with the ideals advocated by Mr. Stiles.
GRAC Library - GRAC maintains a lending library of both books and videos available for our members enjoyment and education.
Monthly Newsletter - Nine times a year Grand Rapids Audubon Club publishes the Caller which includes articles and information to keep members abreast of environmental issues and club activities.
Environmental Issues - We strive to keep club members informed on pending issues related to protecting the environment and nature.
Maher Sanctuary - Grand Rapids Audubon owns, and maintains, an 80-acre nature preserve located in northeast Barry County. Members and guests can enjoy a quiet walk in wetlands, fields and woods at the sanctuary.

Interested in becoming a member?
Birds of a feather, flock together! Join us as we continue to build a community centered around conservation of birds and their habitat in West Michigan.
History of the Grand Rapids Audubon Club
Originally organized in the early 1900s, there is evidence that there were 77 members active in the club during 1913 but was disbanded during World War 1. In 1926, the Grand Rapids Audubon Club was reorganized by 90 members from this first iteration. This second version of the club was disbanded in 1943 due to a sharp membership decline during World War 2. In 1951 the club reorganized and has acted as a place where community members who appreciated birds, nature and West Michigan ecology can gather and learn from one another.
The Grand Rapids Audubon Club is a registered 501-3 (C) non-profit organization. Please Click Here to view a copy of our bylaws.