Led By: Steve Minard
This trip is an evening walk to the Hodenpyl Woods area at the west end of Reeds Lake. Varied woodland, marsh, and lake habitat provides a variety of birds right in town. On this trip, we will concentrate on waterbirds, and early warblers. The boardwalk provides good views of the lake and marsh areas so we will visit it. Note that we are starting a week earlier this year. Birds do seem to be migrating earlier and we hope to avoid congestion at the ballfield. Birders of all skills are welcome.
Essentials: Meet at the East Grand Rapids Utility Building parking lot on Reeds Lake Blvd north of Gaslight Village at 6:00 PM. Waterproof footwear and insect repellent may be useful. Poison Ivy is thick in places.
Safety Hazards: Drive safely to meet the group. Watch for traffic when crossing the road and bicycles on the pathway.