Led By: Steve Minard
This is planned as a summer trip to the marsh at Lane’s Landing in the Muskegon State Game Area. Nesting birds have settled in and many of them should be attending to their young. It is one of the better times of year to see Least Bitterns in flight. They are present in this marsh and if you are watching carefully, and you are lucky, you may see one make a brief flight from on spot to another in the marsh. Rails, ducks and cranes are also possible. Depending on time, we may visit other nearby birding areas.
Essentials: Meet at the Boy Scout Headquarters west off Walker Road just north of I-96 at 8:00AM. We plan to bird until noon, you may want to bring a snack to hold you over until lunch.
Safety Hazards: Driving in a caravan can be hazardous. Get directions from the leader for travel to the next stop. Please exercise caution on the roads at all times, and watch the car ahead of you when driving in a caravan. Please have a passenger handle all radio or phone communications while in a car.