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Allegan County Warblers

  • McDonald's in Hudsonville 4596 32nd Avenue Hudsonville, MI, 49426 United States (map)

Led By: Steve Minard

This trip will look for nesting birds, particularly warblers, in Allegan County. Cerulean and Prothonotary Warblers are likely along with Black-throated Green Warbler, and Ovenbird. Pine Warblers are found along connecting roads and we'll stop where we hear one. Potential flycatchers of interest include singing Least Flycatchers and Acadian Flycatchers. Other rare birds that have been found along Swan Creek include Worm-eating and Hooded Warblers. We’ll start at the M89 highbanks and head south along Swan Creek. This is planned as a morning trip, although we can run longer, with a lunch stop, depending on interest. Possible extensions include the Todd Farm Unit or Saugatuck Dunes State Park.

Essentials: Meet at the McDonald’s in Hudsonville, north of I-196, at 7:30 AM. We will move cars to the car pool lot before heading out. Construction could affect your route to Hudsonville, call if you are having issues. Watch out for heat and bugs. You may want a drink or snack to keep you going, especially if we run long.

Safety Hazards: Driving in a caravan can be hazardous. Get directions from the leader for travel to the next stop. Please exercise caution on the roads at all times, and watch the car ahead of you when driving in a caravan. Bugs and poison ivy are likely; take appropriate precautions. Please have a passenger handle all radio or phone communications while in a car.

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